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This librairy simulate a list to store an arbitrary number of values. Note that the ids are not preserved.


  • A: Append a dot to the list
  • S: Set the dot at index @ with the value #
  • O: The output of all function goes out to the east. If you use this as input, it inserts the dot.
  • F: Different function are performed depending on the id of the the dot. See functions.
Function Id Value Description
Append 0 The value to append Adds a dot at the end of the list
Get 1 The index to get Return the value at the index
Delete 2 The index to remove Removes a dot from the list at the # index
Remove 3 The value to remove Removes the first dot in the list with the same value
Length 4 - Return the current size of the list
Copy 5 - Return all the dots in the list
Clear 6 - Empty the list
Sort 7 - Sort the list

A dot comming from the top sets the dot at the index of its id to its value.


If a dot comes from the right, it will be inserted at the index of its id and all other dots from its id will be shifted by one to the end of the list (the last one won’t be deleted).


Every function (except append from the left) outputs a dot, even if there is no value to return (like Set or Delete) so you know when the function has finished its execution.

%!list.dots l



It’s not a good idea to ask, but the complexity of each function is O(n) with n the number of elements in the list, except Length which is O(1) and of course Sort which is… too much

Other notes
  • Everything is not already implemented, for now only Set, Get, Append and Length will work.
  • Using a list is very slow, thus if you find a way to do without, it is a good idea.
  • To use more than one list, you need to import the librairy more than once.
  • You can ask an other function while one is still running, but they’ll be executed only after the first finishes. Alternatively, you can use the wait librairy.


The source code is availaible here . If something doesn’t work, do not hesitate to open an issue.